SmartObject Method

SmartObject Event Wizard - Event Name and SmartObject Method

The Event Name and SmartObject Method screen provides a platform for selecting the relevant SmartObject as well as provide the Event with a Name.

A SmartObject Method needs to be selected in the SmartObject Method text box and only one method is supported at a time.

Fig. 1. SmartObject Event Wizard - Event Name and SmartObject Method screen

Feature What it is How to use it
Event Name Provides the name for the new SmartObject Event Type in a name for the SmartObject Event in the text box
SmartObject Method Provides the SmartObject Method that needs to be used in the SmartObject Event. The single method selected, will perform a single action on the SmartObject i.e., Load one entry or save one entry. Select the required SmartObject Method by clicking on the ellipse button and browsing to the relevant SmartObject Method
See Also



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